Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Possible with God!

God recently did a miracle in the marriage of  friends of ours! She was willing to share about it here on my blog. I am reminded through this testimony, of what Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 19 , when they asked him who could be saved?
 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

                                                       Here is her story:
My husband and I were married in 2005 and about as soon as the echo of ‘I do’ faded the marriage hit rock bottom and then continued to worsen from there.We had gone through a three year period of dating that was fraught with warning signs of things to come but somehow we remained together and made it down the aisle.

As soon as we set up house we came face to face with the reality of an insurmountable mountain of debt that Husband had accumulated prior to marriage which eventually resulted in bankruptcy.This was a very, very difficult thing to go through. We know that many marriages crumble under the weight of financial woes.If this is you, I feel for you – I know how hard it is.

Another thing that came to light after marriage was my husband’s habit of lying.It was so bad that it would be accurate to call him a pathological liar – he routinely lied with or without reason.If he was caught in a lie he became severely enraged and put the blame back on me.For most of our marriage he blamed everything on me, including everything that he himself did/thought/felt/said.Literally everything was my fault, including our extremely shaky financial situation that he had created all by himself before marriage – he blamed me for not working although I applied to every available job I could find.It was that way with everything.I suppose that that was how he was able to live with himself all those years - if it was all my fault then he really didn’t have any responsibility in our marriage and I alone was the problem in every area.

Before you think that I was a good woman, let me shatter your illusion. I returned blow for blow and blamed him for just about everything as well. I was a severely broken woman and I was A-N-G-R-Y like I cannot even describe to you.Some of my anger I could justify, but certainly I cannot justify how I used that anger.What I mean by that is that my husband had no business lying to me at all, most especially not with the frequency and predictability that he did, or about the things he lied about; he also had no business assigning blame to me that didn’t belong to me and so on.These behaviours are extremely hurtful and especially to someone like me with the history that I already had and feelings of anger at such betrayal are normal.However, I am called to handle that anger without sinning!I think I may struggle with this to my last breath here on earth – it is that difficult for me to not sin in my anger.As you read the rest of this post just imagine that the whole six years I’m talking about I was screaming, cursing, and burying my husband under a mountain of scathing verbiage.That will give you pretty accurate view of my marital contributions.

What it came down to was Husband would do something and I would react with anger.This was the cycle.Whatever the problem, it was almost always he that instigated it and me that flew into a rage and thus perpetuated the ugly cycle.Six whole years this went on.It began when I found out that he had lied about some very important things that would have caused me to seriously reconsider marriage to him.He hadn’t simply omitted the information (still a lie anyway), but he had looked me directly in the eye on several occasions and verbalised an untruth that was very important to me.This shattered all the trust that I had in him, which was precious little to begin with, and I am still struggling to trust him again to this day.

There were problems with opposite-gender relationships that did so much damage to our marriage that I’m not even going to bother trying to explain because I can’t string enough words together properly to illustrate the pain of it all.It didn’t take long until we came to the point where we loathed one another.

While I mostly used words and volume to attack him, he began to use physical force with me.At first it was rough pushes into chairs.Sometimes he would push me against the wall, squeeze his hands around my neck just enough to really feel pressure and terrify me but not enough to be physically damaging.He would threaten suicide and he would throw things around the house.He used words as well – very, very damaging words. I hit him also – beating my fists against his chest and pushing against him.The thing with the physical aspect of it is that he is twice my size (literally) and I am not a physically strong person at all.This does not excuse my behaviour but it does mean that he could inflict serious damage on my body with little effort while I would only be able to cause any physical harm to him if I had a weapon and the element of surprise on my side.And it also means that I lived in fear for my life on many an occasion.

By October of 2007 I was so completely worn out emotionally and physically and every other way a woman can be worn out that I pretty well just gave up on life and marriage.We had an eight month old daughter at the time and I chose to leave because I was sure that if I remained there I would suffer a complete mental and physical breakdown.I still think that if nothing had changed and I had remained at that time that is what would have happened.The long and short of it is that I left, Husband and I both had an affair, I experimented with drugs and alcohol.We did reconcile three months later.Six months after that he was arrested, charged and convicted on several counts of assault, and uttering a death threat against me.He had degenerated into such a monster that I was afraid enough of him that I went to the police finally.His sentence was one year on parole and no contact with me or our daughter for most of that time.

When we reconciled after the restraining order was lifted we had high hopes for our marriage.He appeared to have made many changes and I thought I had too.But it was not so.Our hearts had not changed.We had tried to change ourselves only and left God out of it.

The one very good thing that came about through the law’s involvement was the exposure of what kind of a man he was.Nobody but me had any idea what sort of man he was because he is a likeable kind of man, easygoing and sociable.You would not be likely to suspect him as the type of person that would be capable of any of the things he routinely did in our marriage.Being that the arrest and restraining order were things that he could not keep under wraps his cover was blown wide open.If anything, I was the one that looked far more guilty in our marriage than he before his conviction and that was just the way he liked it.When he couldn’t hide behind my more obvious failures any longer, he became sobered up to the fact that he was considerably riddled with faults and failures for the first time.This was a good beginning.Unfortunately, things became even worse not very long after this new and promising start to our reconciled marriage.

When things once again escalated into violence and then sexual violence, I sunk into such a deep depression that I stayed and I did nothing at all.Aside from telling the pastor’s wife one time when a really frightening event transpired, I told no one because I had once involved the law and it had accomplished nothing, and I did not think that anyone in the church would be able to help me because the things that were happening were so disgusting and shameful that I couldn’t bring myself to say them to someone and risk being rejected and blown off because they didn’t want to be tainted with the ugliness.

Near the very beginning of this year there was an incident that was so truly terrifying that I fear to consider what might have happened if I had not been able to run faster out the door than my husband.I spent the day away wondering what to do, praying desperately and feeling like there was no God that heard me at all but finally going home knowing that I must do something – I just did not yet know what.But I made myself a promise to not just drift along anymore.

When I went to church with my daughter that Sunday I told someone I needed help and they gave it to me.I was surprised; I had said it basically out of desperation – grasping at a straw and not really believing that anyone would be willing or able to help me.That was a turning point.I confessed everything to this woman and she set the wheels in motion.My husband was contacted by the pastor and called to give an account.Thereafter we each were placed in a mentorship/accountability relationship with the pastor couple.

Today my husband has lived six months with God and it is a marvelous thing that I am witnessing.He is gentle and compassionate; slow to anger and quick to accept responsibility for his failures; he is affectionate and full of goodwill; he seeks out God’s word and prays.I literally could not have ever imagined that he would one day be the man that he is today.What God has done in each of our hearts and in our marriage is absolutely a miracle.All the years that we kept trying to do things on our own failed and ended up just intensifying all that was bad already because we could not change our hearts.Only when we gave up everything to God did anything change because He is the only one that is in the business of changing a person’s heart.

Go to Ponder Woman to read more about her life and what God is teaching her. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Chains of Gossip

 Perhaps the most eye opening thing to the state of my own tongue is when false and maybe some not so false rumours are being spread about me. [The he said, she said that the other person said game is always very catchy and usually gets additions at each stop and it's quite easy to involve ourselves at some of these stops]
 These things have happened to me and though it makes you feel like a victim, I have to ask myself; What are you teaching me God? I have often asked God to search my heart and show me where my heart's condition needs fixing. I now believe HE allowed some of these things to do just that!
 First of all,  I need to  live my life in such a way that when untrue things are being said, those who know me will not believe it. (Obviously , I haven't arrived to that point) If I only gave positive reports, then when someone says I did otherwise, others will surely know the truth in there hearts.
 I however have failed to only give good reports by uplifting ALL those around me.  I cannot put my finger on anything specific right now but I know in my own heart I have failed.
 God forgives though and continues to give me chances! I thank Him for that and want to take the chance to encourage others!  By the grace of God, I will not start conversations that do not edify and build others up and to also not comment on conversations around me that tear others down.  Doing so becomes a stumbling block to the people we are around. I know because I have stumbled over this sort of stuff! Having stumbled though is a reminder to myself that I too am am guilty of sin. It's no wonder I needed Jesus so much!
It really is what is in the heart that comes out of the mouth and the tongue really is a dangerous weapon and can also cause accidents. Through those accidents the love we are to have in God's family is shaken and often broken. This will effect the whole body!
 However, we don't have to dwell on our pass mistakes for the rest of our lives because Jesus already took the punishment for us! HE forgives us if we believe on Him and ask for that forgiveness. BUT , if I want my sins forgiven, I need to also forgive!  FORGIVENESS= FREEDOM!  I am not holding anyone in bondage and I am not being held!  GOOD NEWS, INDEED!

 A few verses I read:
Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 1.Haughty eyes, 2. a lying tongue, And 3. hands that shed innocent blood, 4. A heart that devises wicked plans, 5. Feet that run rapidly to evil, 6. A false witness who utters lies, And 7. one who spreads strife among brothers. (Notice that the one who spreads strife is different than a false witness who is a liar.The following verses will reveal how such things as GOSSIP and SLANDER "spread strife among brothers." )

Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all transgressions.

Proverbs 25:9-10, 23 Argue your case with your neighbor, And do not reveal the secret of another,Or he who hears it will reproach you, And the evil report about you will not pass away. The north wind brings forth rain, And a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance. (Backbiting is revealing the secrets of another, causing strife.)

Proverbs 26:20-28 For lack of wood the fire goes out, And where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down.
21 Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife.
22 The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels, And they go down into the innermost parts of the body.
23 Like an earthen vessel overlaid with silver dross Are burning lips and a wicked heart.
24 He who hates disguises it with his lips, But he lays up deceit in his heart.
25 When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, For there are seven abominations in his heart.
26 Though his hatred covers itself with guile, His wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.

This is what God showed me, through my own life lessons, both through times where I needed to forgive and where I needed to be forgiven!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer Days

We have spent a lot of time outdoors this summer. The kids enjoyed making a garden. I think they just like playing in the dirt and what better way!

 Even let Lily get into it for a bit. She is still a very happy baby, now 10 months old.

This garden has been a lot of work! I would say an abnormal amount of weeds have lived here....

                                                      Sometimes you just need a break!

Finally the hard work pays off and you hopefully reap what you sow. We have been getting things like radishes, cucumbers, green beans, zuchinni and potatoes so far. Corn, tomatoes, peppers and watermelon should be ready soon.

 We spent a few days camping with friends at Lakewood Christian Camp . We had a good time together! I could probably write a whole post on camping thoughts! I really am not sure if camping was made for me but I would be willing to do it again now that I have recovered. :)  REALLY though, great memories were made and I learned from it. Next time I will just keep my plans simpler!

One memory I will never forget is when Art and Anthony tipped the canoe. Art looks pretty happy in his wet and yucky clothes!

ANd doing things with my friend Tina is always good! Here we are with our babies who were due 4 days apart but were born 3 weeks apart.

 Also got a surprise visit from our friends who live in Manitoba. Ended up going to African Lion Safari with them.

It's been a good summer. Jamie had a job in asparagus and now the boys and I are picking cucumbers as well.  I think work is very good for all of us!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

 Thank you so much to School Days Gone By  for presenting me with the ONE LOVELY BLOG Award! This was a great surprise to me!   

 I will now get to award and share with you 15 lovely blogs that I enjoy reading!

Here are my selections for my top 15 "One Lovely Blog" awards.
I have started following all of these blogs on Pinterest, Facebook, or Google Follow.

I encourage you to also follow them and enjoy the journey with them!

If you are one of the bloggers I chose, here are your steps for claiming this award:
Write a post on your blog which includes the following:

1) Follow the person who gave you the award.
2) Link back to the person who gave you the award in your post and sidebar.
3) Pass the award on to 15 other bloggy friends.

After writing the post, you can add this picture to your blog:

Add this code to your blog to have the picture display. However, you must include a < at the beginning of the code (before img) and a > at the end of the code (after br/)
img src="http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/6263/onelovelyblogaward.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/

Sunday, July 15, 2012

He Gave me Water

  I  was a woman at the well seeking for things that did not satisfy. Many times the things that I thought would satisfy my thirst only left me more thirsty. Many times my choices brought forth fruit I did not want to eat.   I am so thankful Jesus met me at the well! At times my cup is full, at times it runs over but at times it gets dry. It is then that I really see my need to go back to the well where I first met my Saviour and ask HIM once more, "fill my cup, Lord..." That is where I am at right now. "Here am I Lord, fill me, quench my thirst and use me for your glory and honor. I will share with you over the next while what God did and is doing in my life. I have many memories from childhood on where God was calling me to himself. Often I did not recognize His voice, but now when I look back, I marvel at His marvelous grace!

Cups of Living Water

I will be sharing my "life" story, a testimony of what God did through my weakest moments. I started this on a separate page.. My followers who would like to follow along go to Cups Of Living Water. You are welcome to follow there as well!